Introduction to Pressure Relief Systems.
Pressure relieving systems are an integral part of any process facility, from offshore production platforms to petrochemical complexes, and usually provide the last line of defense against overpressure and loss of containment. Although ubiquitous, pressure relieving systems are not necessarily well understood by all chemical process engineers.
In this webinar, you’ll receive an introduction (or a refresher!) to the fundamentals of pressure relieving systems including causes of overpressure, determination of relief loads, methods of pressure relief, and how these concepts are tied together by applicable industry codes, standards, and practices.
Justin Phillips, P.E
Justin Phillips has over eight years of onshore and offshore oil & gas process engineering and project execution experience. His technical experience includes process design with specialty in flare and relief systems. Justin is the Relief Systems Line of Service Manager at Provenance Consulting, LLC. He holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas and is a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.